How to Pamper and Protect Your Nether Regions – 10 Astounding Tips to Keep Your Lady Bits Healthy and Happy
Alright, everyone, lean in close because we’re about to get personal! Shockingly many of us don’t know much about the inner workings of our vagina. Some of us can’t even talk about it, and worst, don’t even discuss anything related to it with our friends. So it’s not surprising that “how to keep your vagina healthy” is Google searched every 0.59 seconds globally. Your pie-corner is a bit like the Incredible Hulk, not necessarily muscular and green (I hope?), but more like “you won’t like her when she’s angry.” Unfortunately, plenty of things can make her angry. That’s why proper vaginal hygiene is a must for a woman’s health.
It’s not always easy to stay comfortable and healthy down there, especially since many factors that affect your lady parts’ overall health and well-being form part of our daily lives: exercise, sex, natural hormonal changes, clothing choices, and so on. In addition to being one of your body’s most sensitive parts, your vagina is home to a unique bacteria community. The good news is that it’s actually not that hard to keep her in good graces. Whether or not you’re of reproductive age, keeping your pink pearl clean the correct way can make a huge difference when it comes to vaginal infections. Here’s how to keep her from hulking out.
#1. If You’re Dehydrated, Your Vagina Might Be Too
“Drink more water” is probably one of the most common health tips you’ve heard all your life. According to experts, water can improve your skin, help you feel more energetic, and strengthen your immune system, among other things, so it’s clear that it has an array of benefits. But don’t worry, you’re not the only one not drinking as much water as you should. If the promises of flawless skin and improved energy don’t appeal to you, here’s another thing to keep in mind if you’re trying to increase your water intake: it’s great for your vagina. Really!
Dehydration can take a significant toll on our vaginal health, girls! If you’re not drinking enough water, your skin can quickly become dry –and this applies to vaginal skin too! What happens outside your body is a direct reflection of what’s happening inside your body. If your vaginal skin is dry, probably, the inside is too. Besides itching and drying, this can lead to or aggravate yeast infections.
#2. Wash Your Lady Parts Instead of Using Toilet Paper

If you can’t find toilet paper in your neighborhood supermarket due to panic buying, it may be a good time to switch to washing instead of wiping. When using dry toilet paper, you’re leaving clitty litter and bacteria behind, whereas using a bidet will wash all of it! And thus, you’re much less likely to have issues with rashes, discomfort, and irritation!
And from an environmental perspective, washing also requires less water than wiping. According to an article in Scientific American, it takes 140 liters of water to make just one toilet paper roll. By contrast, you’ll be using about 500ml of water from the bidet.
#3. Your Vagina Does Not Need to Smell Like Flowers!

From wipes and sprays to deodorants and specially formulated shower gels, they’re a myriad of feminine hygiene products on offer to apparently help ease our blushes, but do they cause more harm than good?
It’s no secret, scented body wash may be fantastic, but it doesn’t belong anywhere near your genitals. So, if you want to indulge in a relaxing bath bomb moment and then lather up with some soft lotion, make sure those products are fragrance-free or body-safe.
Cleansing products alter the sensitive pH balance of your vagina and wash away much of the excellent good bacteria that are part of this extraordinary self-cleaning machine.
#4. Always Go from Front to Back
You’d think that the wiping’s business would be pretty straightforward, but how do you know you’re doing it right? As you can imagine, you do not want to bring what’s lurking in the back over to the front.
Bonus tip: Definitely don’t go from anal to vaginal sex without changing the condom or properly cleaning off first! Going from backdoor to front exposes your vagina to a host of bacteria and can up your risk of infections. This can introduce E. coli and other bacteria from the GI tract into the vagina!
#5. Eat a Vagina-Friendly Diet
Like your gut and skin, your vagina has its own cluster of bacteria to help protect it. Probiotic foods like yogurt and cheese and prebiotic foods like raw onions and leeks are essential for maintaining these good bacteria. Prone to urinary tract infections (UTI)? Cranberry pills can help combat them by stopping bacteria from attaching to the bladder and urethra.
#6. Don’t Shave the Entire Pubic Area

Shaving the entire pubic area can cause skin irritation and itching. Cuts and nicks can also introduce unwanted bacteria. The hair exists to protect the region, so trim back if necessary with scissors, not a razor. Do not use hair removal cream, which burns off hairs and can be especially harsh on the skin.
#7. Pay Extra Attention to Period Hygiene!

It can be easy to get distracted when you’re on summer vacay but don’t forget to look after yourself during menstruation. Much like wet bikini bottoms, tampons and pads can become inviting grounds for bacteria. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists advises changing tampons and pads every 4-8 hours, even during light flow. You may want to change them even more often in the summer months!
#8. Do Your Kegel Exercises

Kegel exercises aren’t just another pointless thing your mom reminds you to do! Doing Kegels helps strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, which reduces strain on your pelvic organs and improves bladder and bowel function. (Oh, and they can make your orgasms stronger, too!).
#9. Let Her Breathe – Cotton is King!

When it comes to your underwear selection, your vagina has a preference: cotton. (Sorry girls, sexiness must come in second during summertime!). That’s why most undies come with a strip of cotton in the crotch. To keep your vagina nice and dry, choose underwear and pants made from breathable fabrics like cotton, and ditch the silk or synthetics. No matter how pretty they look, no yeast infection is worth it!
Avoid wearing extremely tight underwear because it produces heat and causes you to sweat and smell. For bonus points, why not go commando at bedtime? If your vagina is continuously covered, more moisture collects down there, cultivating an ideal environment for yeast growth! Therefore, letting your lady bits get fresh air will help you further reduce the risk of infection.
#10. Lastly, Don’t Wax and Splash, for God’s Sake!

We all want to look our best, especially if we’re revealing more flesh than usual. Summertime can prompt many women to embark on a whole-body de-fuzz, including the sensitive bikini area. Whether you wax, epilate, or shave, don’t do it the night before a beach or pool trip. Jumping into a chlorinated swimming pool straight after a fresh shave or wax can lead to irritated skin pores and even infection. If possible, it’s best to wait 24-48 hours before diving in.
Untreated yeast infections rarely have long-term complications, but they’re definitely uncomfortable. If you suspect you have a vaginal infection, contact your healthcare provider as soon as possible. Don’t let a vaginal infection put a damper on your summer fun. Stick to these tips and enjoy summer to the fullest!