13 Tips to Help Manage Stress

Effective stress management tips act on all the components of stress: at the level of emotions to learn to remain calm in any situation, at the level of thoughts to combat dark and pessimistic ideas and the behavioral issues caused by stress. Here are 10 practical and efficient tips to help you!

1) Learn to Manage Your Time

Poor time management gives us the impression that we are always overwhelmed and no longer control anything, which is a huge inducer of stress. This is why it is essential to learn to manage your time daily.

2) Walk for 10 Minutes

Any 10 minutes stroll can help clear your mind and boost endorphins (chemicals naturally released by the body to cope with stress or pain), which, as a result, will reduce stress hormones. Consider going for a walk in a garden or other green space. This can place your body in a state of meditation. This is a phenomenon called “involuntary attention,” during which something catches your attention but allows you to think at the same time.

3) Make Changes

If you can’t eliminate stress, change the way you react to it! Do you have trouble sleeping when you work late at night? Instead, try to work early in the morning. Do you buy fast food only because you don’t have enough time to cook? Consider signing up for a healthy meal delivery service at home! These little changes in your lifestyle can effectively help manage stress.

4) Practice 2 Minutes of Deep Breathing Every Day

At any time, in the office, at home, in the car, take a few abdominal breaths. Breathe in through your nose for 2 seconds so that your stomach moves out against your hand and breathe out slowly through the mouth. This breathing brings immediate relaxation!

5) Take Care of Yourself

 When you’re stressed, you should take more care of yourself, but most of us do the exact opposite. We neglect our sleep and our food, we consume more alcoholic beverages, and we do not exercise. Opt for yogurt in the morning instead of having pastries, or treat yourself to 15 minutes of exercise on the treadmill after work. A healthy body is better equipped to handle stress!

6) Apply Positive Thinking

When faced with negative thoughts, try to find a more positive belief that gives you courage and defuses your pessimism. Ask yourself, for example, what would you recommend to your best friend in this situation? Optimism allows things to happen in your favor, it is scientifically proven!

7) Take Time to Recharge

Take short 10-minute breaks throughout the day. When there’s lots of work, many people usually skip their break time. However, taking short breaks at regular intervals can improve productivity by strengthening your attention and concentration skills. Meditate for a few minutes, go for a walk during your lunch break, or do some stretching exercises at your work station.

8) Be Grateful

 Actively showing gratitude allows a more positive mindset daily. Write down three things you liked about each day. You’ll be amazed how much something so simple can do so much good.

9) Learn to Be in the Moment

Concentrate fully on what you are doing. It starts by devoting yourself to one task at a time, appreciating when this task ends, and being satisfied with the objectives achieved. Feel free to make a list and enjoy crossing out your completed tasks!

10) Listen to Some Good Music

Classical music has a real soothing effect – it is known to slow down the heart rate, lowers blood pressure, and even lowers stress hormone levels. Any music you love will fill your brain with hormones of well-being, like dopamine. Don’t have headphones on hand? Try humming or playing your own music!

11) Treat Yourself! Eat One (Only One!) Candy

Eating or drinking something sweet has a calming effect because it regulates the production of stress hormones, which helps to understand why sometimes we find ourselves digging to the bottom of a box of pastries when things go wrong. While this is not an excuse to throw yourself at the vending machine, a square of chocolate, a small piece of candy, or some other reasonably sized treat can help with stress.

12) Seriously, Turn off Your Phone

Smartphones are mainly linked to increased stress, as people always feel more and more obliged to respond to messages.

13) Watch a Funny Video

A good laugh is an excellent relaxation technique. Laughter increases the volume of oxygen-rich air you ingest, stimulating your heart, lungs, and muscles. This, in turn, increases the endorphins that are released by the brain.

If you’re still struggling with stress issues or any other difficulties, Finding Your Inner Compass offers guidance, coaching, and consulting services to women in various stages of life transitions. The highly experienced and passionate coach, Jessica, will help you find the balance between your heart, soul, and mind. Do not hesitate to contact her!

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