What Is Adipose Cellulite and How to Deal With It?


    – Adipose cellulite: characteristics and localization

    – Causes of adipose cellulite

    – Solutions against adipose cellulite

Adipose cellulite, also known as lipothrystrophy, is, along with aqueous cellulite and fibrous cellulite, one of the main forms of cellulite.

Adipose cellulite: characteristics and location

It is above all a fatty cellulite and usually affects people with an overweight problem.

Adipose cellulite takes its name from the phenomenon called “adipose”. Adipose tissue is an abnormal accumulation of cells in the fatty tissue, or “adipose tissue”, located in the hypodermis.

Schematically, starting from the visible surface and moving inwards, the skin is made up of:

    – the epidermis;

    – the dermis;

    – the hypodermis.

It is in the hypodermis that the adipose cells are housed: the adipocytes. The adipocytes are necessary for the proper functioning of our organism: they are the energy reserve of the human body.

However, when the body ingests more fat than it expends, these cells are hypertrophied (larger than normal volume) and multiply. This accumulation of fat in the fatty tissue prevents the circulation of toxins which, once trapped in the cells, create inflammation. It is because of this inflammation that the tissue takes on a bumpy appearance and forms orange peel skin on the surface.

Thus, it is not only the excess fat but also the accumulation of toxins that are responsible for adipose cellulite.

Localisation of adipose cellulite

Adipose cellulite will tend to be localized on:

    – the abdomen;

    – the thighs;

    – buttocks and hips;

    – the knees.

Aspect of adipose cellulite

How to determine if your cellulite is adipose? It is visible especially when you pinch yourself: dimpled areas form, but the skin remains supple, soft and painless.

Causes of adipose cellulite

The main cause of adipose cellulite is an imbalance between the amount of fat ingested and the amount of fat expended.

A diet that is too rich

In cases of adipose cellulite, a diet that is too rich: too fatty and too sweet (cakes, dishes with sauces, fatty meats, industrial dishes, sodas, etc.) are to be avoided, as well as anything that, in excess, is bad for a balanced diet.

Sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise

In addition to diet, the problem is often linked to a life that is too sedentary. If you have an office job, for example, and you don’t exercise, fat cellulite soon sets in.

It can occur as early as adolescence, at puberty, when the body undergoes a number of hormonal changes. The body no longer responds in the same way, expends less energy and stores fat more easily.

Solutions against adipose cellulite

To fight adipose cellulite, it is necessary to detoxify the body. By eliminating toxins, we reduce inflammation and thus, the dimpled skin disappears.

Eliminate fat from your diet

It is important to review your diet in case of adipose cellulite. Avoid fats as much as possible, especially cooked fats and saturated fatty acids, industrial dishes and sugar.

Favour fresh fruits and vegetables, lean fish, light dairy products and whole grains. Prefer foods rich in omega 3, for their anti-inflammatory action.

For more information and to find the diet you need, ask a dietician or naturopathic doctor for advice.


It is indeed recognized that endurance sports, known as “cardio”, are the most useful for melting stored fat, in particular:

    – Cycling;

    – swimming;

    – walking;

    – jogging;

    – running;

    – fitness.

For these activities to be effective, however, they must be practiced intensely and frequently.

Warning: if you have not done any sport for a long time and/or if you are overweight (this often tires the heart): you will need to have a medical check-up before starting any activity.

Massage the affected areas

In addition to sports, cellulite can be moved using various techniques:

    – Localized massage: especially palpating-rolling;

    – the massaging application of caffeine-based anti-cellulite cream;

    – sessions offered by physiotherapists with adapted equipment (example: cellu M6®) if these techniques are not contraindicated (get medical advice before starting).

Pharmacy solution

The slimming aids are usually sold over the counter in pharmacies. They are suitable to help you eliminate adipose cellulite as they act directly on the fat tissue.

Fat stores are able to bind to specific cellular receptors and thus they order to the cell to release the fat molecules stored into the bloodstream. In this way, they mimic the effect of “lipolytic” hormones (capable of destroying fat) such as catecholamines that are released when we exercise. Their active substances are: caffeine, guara-na, geranium, canghzu, fucus, coléus, CLA (conjugated linoleic acid).

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You may also wish to read more on:

    – Aqueous cellulite

    – Fibrous cellulite

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