9 Signs Indicating You’re Consuming Too Much Caffeine
Being a coffee addict, you tend to consume coffee all day long. Perhaps too much? Even if it has positive aspects such as being a metabolism stimulator, source of antioxidants, low-calorie content, and more, an overdose of caffeine can be bad for health. Here are some signs indicating that you are consuming too much caffeine.
1) Headaches
Coffee is a stimulating drink. If you have too much, it affects your brain, and its sensors are over-stimulated. Headaches are the most common side effect. If you’re already addicted to caffeine and have part of your daily dose taken away, your body will also respond with a headache.

2) Starvation
While some people rely on caffeine to decrease their appetite, drinking in excess can have a reverse effect. Caffeine breakdown products stimulate the release of insulin, which in turn lowers blood sugar levels. Ultimately, this can leave you feeling more hungry.
3) Insomnia
One of the most appreciated effects of caffeine is that it helps people stay awake. However, too much caffeine can make it difficult to fall asleep, preventing individuals from getting truly restful sleep. The higher an individual’s caffeine consumption, the longer it takes them to fall asleep. It can also reduce the total amount of sleep, especially for elders.
4) Skyrocketing Blood Pressure
After a few cups of coffee, the increased pulse rate isn’t the only effect daily Starbucks may have on your cardiovascular health. Consuming more than five cups of coffee a day causes blood pressure to elevate, putting you at risk for high blood pressure and stroke.

5) Heart Palpitations
If you feel your heart racing, have hot flashes, or sweat a lot, it may be because of the over-consumption of coffee. If these palpitations are accompanied by dizziness or lightheadedness, you should book a doctor’s appointment.
6) Bruises
If you start feeling weak, bruise easily, or become more sluggish than usual, your coffee consumption habits may be the reason. Coffee hinders the absorption of iron. With time, this can lead to iron deficiency, or even anemia, if left untreated.
7) Diarrhea
Everyone knows that coffee can improve intestinal transit thanks to its laxative properties. However, drinking more than three cups of coffee a day could cause diarrhea. If you are troubled by these elimination problems, start a gradual withdrawal from caffeine.

8) Frequent and Urgent Urination
Caffeine has a stimulating effect on the bladder. It is not uncommon to notice that people go to the bathroom more often on days when they consume more caffeinated beverages. These effects can be seen in older people with overactive bladder or incontinence. Still, people with healthy bladders are more likely to develop incontinence if they consume a lot of caffeine. For instance, an individual who consumes more than 450 mg of caffeine per day is at greater risk than those who consume less than 150 mg per day. If you drink a lot of caffeine and notice that your urination is more frequent or urgent than usual, try to reduce the amounts consumed to see if the symptoms improve.
9) Stomach Ache
You blame your tummy aches on spoiled food or premenstrual symptoms. You can add your morning cup of coffee to this list. Some coffee compounds impact on the secretion of acids by stomach cells. Over-the-counter antacid medications can provide temporary relief. But if you suspect coffee is the cause, consider changing your habits instead.

Although a bit of caffeine is generally harmless in most cases, being addicted to any substance is never healthy. If your coffee addiction is driving you crazy, giving you headaches, or causing other adverse side effects, it may be time to stop it!