What is Toe Orthosis


– Toe prosthesis: against foot deformities

– Correction and reduction of pain with the toe orthosis

The podo orthosis is a foot appliance that corrects a problem.

The podo orthosis allows the treatment of certain foot pathologies: it can be presented in several forms, depending on the pathology of the foot to be treated. The podo orthosis can take different forms:

– toe orthosis;

– foot splint;

– orthopedic shoe;

– orthopaedic insole, etc.

Caution! Foot orthoses are contraindicated in people with fungal infections, foot infections and in diabetics.

Toe orthosis: against foot deformities

Toe orthotics or orthoplasties are custom-made devices. These removable orthoses can be worn during the day, in shoes, to reduce pain due to friction.

Made to measure by the practitioner following clinical examinations and measurements, they are indicated in the context of a deformed foot:

hallux valgus or bunion of the foot: the big toe deviates towards the inside of the foot;

quintus varus: the fifth toe passes over the fourth toe;

claw toe;

hammer toe…

Good to know: in the case of amputations, orthoses can replace missing toes.

Correcting and reducing pain with the toe orthosis

The toe brace has two actions:

– it limits the evolution of the deformity and corrects it, it’s called corrective orthotics;

– it protects and reduces the pain caused by certain foot pathologies (corns, hallux valgus, etc.).

Postural orthosis of the toe

This type of orthosis is designed to force the toe(s) into a good position in the shoe to avoid pain and to rebalance the support points. In the long term, they can induce a correction of the toe’s posture even without the orthosis in place.

They are therefore intended for patients suffering from pathologies that can still be at least partially reduced.

Protective toe orthosis

The purpose of these orthoses is not to correct a deformity either because it is impossible or because there is no reason to do so. They can protect irritated and painful areas, but cannot intervene at the source of the problem to reduce the malformation.

They are also used in cases of skin damage not related to foot deformities.

For even more information, you can book an appointment Darwin Foot Clinic. They provide podiatry services including Podiatry, Fungal Toenail Treatments, Orthotics, Wart Laser Therapy, Nail Bracing, Foot Mobilisation and Manipulation, Sports Foot & Ankle Injury Treatment.

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