7 Tips for More Energy in the Morning
Every day it’s the same thing: you turn off the 6th snooze from your alarm clock with your eyes still closed and you wind up in your duvet cover again. However, you’ll have to get up!

Why is it so difficult to get out of bed in the morning? And why does our body feel discharged from its batteries after 8 hours of sleep? Especially in winter, when the lack of light makes us want to extend our night. A shower, a good breakfast and a few extra reflexes are enough to get up on the right foot and give you a good time!
In this post, you will discover seven tips to get more energy in the morning.
1. Don’t skip breakfast anymore!

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. However, most of us skip it at least once a week. Lack of time, not very hungry. There are many reasons to start your day on an empty stomach. But it is essential to provide your body with the energy it needs after a night of fasting. Besides, studies show that skipping breakfast can have some significant health consequences.
What are the effects of not having breakfast?
– A body that resists insulin and the rate of diabetes is skyrocketing.
– Risk of death from coronary heart failure and heart attack increases by 27%.
– A temptation to snack
– An increase in cholesterol because of unhealthy snacking.
– An increase in the rate of hypertension.
– A tired body, deprived of its morning “fuel”.
– An appearance of stress due to fatigue.
2. Eating protein cuts hunger

Proteins are the cement that holds your body together. They are found in all our cells, such as skin, hair, nails and even bones. In short, they remain essential to the proper development of the organism.
A good supply of protein which is less caloric than slow sugars helps to resist the temptation to snack. Thanks to them, you’ll last until lunch break!
You can also consume eggs and dairy products such as yoghurt, cottage cheese and milk.
3. Eat fruits for a full supply of vitamins!

Fruits contain a large number of vitamins, minerals, fibre and zinc. Whether they are dry, fresh, or in juice, fruits make up a natural energy cocktail that the body needs every day.
You can also consume:
– Juices (pure and without added sugars): oranges, grapefruit, pineapple.
4. Eat slow sugars to avoid snacking

All athletes know the trick: You have to consume slow sugars in the morning to boost your energy! Indeed, the body assimilates these foods more slowly, which gives it a reserve to compensate for the 11:00 a. m. tiredness.
Choose bread and rusks over whole-grain cereals because they contain complex carbohydrates that can last till your next meal.
5. Allow yourself a little fat

Breakfast remains the meal of the day when every little excess is allowed. So let’s have fun! If you take the time to eat it, there is no reason to deprive yourself of a small buttered sandwich. When consumed in moderation, butterfat does not affect body weight. Butter even provides a precious supplement of vitamin A, and if it is olive butter, you would be getting healthy omega-3 acids.

You can also spread generously, but not excessively:
– salted butter;
– jam;
– cheese spread;
– chocolate cream (without palm oil);
– honey (excellent against sore throat).
6. Choose a hot drink

It is advisable to take your breakfast with a drink to rehydrate your body after a night’s sleep. Rich in amino acids and vitamins B, C, E, tea is a good morning companion. Consumed without sugar and cream, it has the significant advantage of containing no calories. Besides, it is an excellent antioxidant and an outstanding fat burner.
Choose the variety that suits you: green tea, black tea, red tea, white tea, and if you don’t like tea, choose chocolate or coffee.
7. Take a warm shower

When you get out of bed, nothing beats a shower to wake up gently. But the trap is there: a shower that is too hot can have the opposite effect and make you soft! After the difficulty of getting out of bed, the challenge of getting out of the shower! Even if it is cold outside, your body will get used to the warm temperature of the water. Give it some time.
For a revitalizing shower, start with a dash of hot water. Then lower the temperature by a few degrees. Come on; it is stimulating!
Hope the above tips will help you to start your day with some more energy in the morning. Have a great day, and remember to comment and share this post with your friends!